It had about 15 million viewrs when it premiered. Thats damn good for a Pilot!
Anyways, people are raving so much about this unique series. Im sick and tired of people talking about how amazing and original this show..Original NOT!Back in 2006 a show in the cable channel USA Network, a show called PSYCH premiered, it had a huge rating but not as big as The Mentalist though, but it he show was the highest-rated U.S. Basic Cable television premiere of2006. In Psych, the main Charater named Shawn Spencer (played by James Roday) a young crime consultant for the Santa Barbara, California Police Department (SBPD) whose "heightened observational skills"and impressive detective instincts allow him to convince people that he is psychic.
see the resemblance now? They both work as freelance detectives for a California Police Department. Also that special ability of observation. Third time isnt a charm. Here comes another one, the show called "Lie To Me". Main character Dr. Cal Lightman (played by Tim Roth) detects deception by observingbody language, and uses this talent to assist law enforcement with the help of his group of researchers and psychologists. Based on some book I heard.
So to sum up everything, I really think that writters are running out of ideas about shows. Also people should stick to the originals lol
PSYCH is the show to watch, try it... maybe a little laugh and a lot of 80's reference will cheer you up!

Grace <3