1.) Chapstick in cherry

Winter: especially when we get the negatives here, I do not recommend this. It leaves a white-ish layer on the lips that gives you that dry lips look. Putting chapstick over the lips does not help, and it only makes it worse. It gives a waxxy feeling on my lips. Its like wax in a tube. I dont want that feeling during winter, but summer is a different story.
During the summer season i use chapstick a lot. Its not as waxxy on my lips and even the cherry flavored one had a tiny hint of mint (hey I rhymed lol) The not so overpowering mint is really helpful during the summer cause it cools the lips down.
Another product I love to use during the summer is...
2.) Softlips in Cherry and Tinted Raspberry

Softlips glides on like butter on my lips. I used the cherry one, and it has a hint of mint. I liked it a lot compared to chapstick. But it disappears quicker than any other lip balm. It just fades away to i dont know where.
The tinted one however does a different job. Hence the word tinted, it acts more like a lighter lipstick. Ive used the tinted softlips in raspberry. That one smelled the best. I just wanted to eat my lips. However, the tinted one is a big NO when your lips are dry, it does not moisturize it. The tinted raspberry softlips made my lips look like I have a pale pink icing on it. I do use the tinted one a lot, when I know that my lips are not dry. The tinted one goes really well on a light everyday make-up when you dont want to wear any lipstick or lip gloss.
3.)Carmex in Cherry

This is new found LOVE. I have been using carmex for about 4 days now. It has not failed me yet. So far, I have no complains. I dont want to jinx myself, but this is trully a great lipbalm out there. Carmex does not leave a white-ish residue or an icing look on my lips. Its like vaseline in a mini toothpaste tube =p When its time for a lipbalm retouch, my lips are still moisturized from the first coat that I did half an hour ago. Carmex is just so good that I keep putting it on. Carmex by far is the best lipbalm out there. Its been around for ages. So why not trust it right?
-Softlips is the priciest among the three products that i mentioned. One tube cost about $2.50 and a 2-1 pack is about $3.00. Capstick and Carmex are comparable in prices as well. Each tube can range from $.98 to $1.19 each. The SPF also varies from 5-35. The higher it is, the better protection you have against the sun. It also depends where you buy them. I suggest to get them at your local Walmart, although drugstores will have a lot of sales and lip balms are always included.
I hope this review was pretty helpful. More product reviews to come.