As for my current situation, I cannot begin how to explain, how messed up it is. My car which was very dependable decided to just not work anymore. Took it to the mechanic, they said the cost of the repair will be more than the car's worth. So there goes that. Also, Ive been home since Monday afternoon, which is not my fault to begin with. I lost 4 days worth of workday which sucks. It means lesser paycheck, and there goes that one too.
So far, the only thing that is keeping me happy is my family, my little one discovered singing lately, and that really warms up my heart. I have also been active on my youtube channel, which is a really really great hobby.I get to help a lot of people. I say really really a lot lol Also I am putting a lot of my free time helping my family's charity that benefits a lot of poor kids in my hometown of Zamboanga, Philippines.
Sometimes I think, no matter how much we pray, sometimes we need to understand that life really does work in a very mysterious way. Life will bring you to your lowest, and all of the sudden, Something awesome happens. That awesomeness needs to come like now! I am really really tired of waiting(see? I did it again) Why can't I be lucky enough to be at the Oprah show when she gives away a car or maybe at the Ellen Show, where she gives a lucky someone 10k?
I think I need it too, who doesnt? Its not like I'm a bum, and I have no where to go. Maybe I dont. =) My life as it is could be the best reality show, all the drama, and funny things that can and would go wrong. I think the ratings will be off the chart. How come the kids from The Jersey Shore get so much attention, when the only thing they do is be drunk, be stupid, and do those things over and over again. They get how much per episode?! I dont even wanna say it.... I like watching the show, I admit that, its hilarious. But see what I mean, My life is hilarious as it is, so can I get my own show on TLC? I promise, Im no Kate Gosselin OK!
With all that said, If you are wondering what I have been doing on youtube, I just started my own makeup channel. Ive been getting a lot of makeup related questions. So I decided to put it up for my friends with makeup troubles, and makeup virgins hahaha. Its nothing too fancy ok. A lot of my viewers cant afford high end products, so here I am, just trying to help.
If you wanna get updates about my life? follow me here or you can also stalk me on Twitter
user: xogoxo
So thats it my friends, Thats all I have for you today. So many more things I can talk about, but I'll just end this here,I will leave you all hanging.
Wherever you are in the world, I leave this..
good morning, good evening, and good night
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