When lent started, MY goal was to at least make it to 3- 4 weeks of not buying makeup. Week 3 I failed! It was a sale from Haute Look that got me. Palettes from Urban Decay were on sale. A couple days later, I found out that these palettes are also available on UD's website for the same price. (although the we're out-of-stock) So I sorta justified my purchase.... not really I still broke my promise. If you noticed, I haven't had any hauls on my YT, and that is the big reason behind it. I was running out of the usual supplies. I didnt stock up before I decided to give up buying makeup for lent.
I really think I went in this the wrong way. Not prepared, going cold turkey didn't help either. So it was kind of pointless.
So I decided that I should shop in my own collection, I found foundations that are almost a year old, but I barely used it ( for some reason). So now I have concluded that, instead of buying more and spend money. I am going to shop in my own collection.
This is where Project 10 pan comes in handy.
So what is project 10 pan? It means that I cannot purchase any cosmetic products(makeup) until I hit pan, or used on at least 10 items in my collection. (foundation, lipstick, powder, blush, mascara, liner...and all sorts of good stuff)
In the running.
1. MAC studio fix fluid in NC30
2. REVLON Colorstay foundation in sandy beige
3. MAC studio fix powder in NC 40
4. Maybeline Mineral Mouse conceler
5. Maybelline Dream matte powder (2)
6. MAC False Lashes Mascara
So far there is not a lot of stuff on my list, but these are the ones that are almost out, but I never actually used it all up. So instead of buying another powder, I have to use what I have. (NO SECRET HAULING EITHER!) So my purchase prior to this I guess doesn't count. Blushes and lipsticks is probably going to be harder, but I found some that I need to use up.
Sometimes, I we just need to look at our own collection and shop around.
So who's with me in my Project 10 pan?
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